What We Do

What We Do

Ray of Sunshine is open all year round from 7am to 7pm, except weekends and Bank Holidays.

We run multiple age appropriate activities, both indoor and outdoor. Children and their siblings who have different tastes and likes are catered for all in the same year-round location.

Our qualified Team ensures that homework is completed prior to activities, and are on hand to assist the children.

We ensure there is always something for everybody to do to, keeping the children physically and mentally active.

All our Team members are Garda vetted professionals, trained in SNA or Early Years.  We also have a number of Tefl teachers working with us, which is a great help to children who come from different backgrounds and where English is not their first language.

We also have five fluent Irish speakers on our team, who work throughout all the after schools.

Ray of Sunshine prides itself in making the after-school service a ‘home away from home’ environment for children, with a specific chill-out area for them to relax if needs be.

Our Services


Breakfast Clubs


After-School Clubs


Drop-Off Services


School Holidays Clubs


Summer Camps